Operating system memory can be viewed as a list of cells into which numbers can be placed or read. In Computer main memory comes in two principal varieties Ram stand for (Random Access Memory) and Rom stand for (Read only Memory)...
some important principles of software engineering, software engineering are the generally accepted guidelines that software designers and developers should follow to produce a software product for meeting the goals of software engineering...
Before knowing what is software engineering, we must have the knowledge about what is software? Simply we know that software is a set of computer programs, procedures, and associated documents...
A bus is a means of exchanging information between the components of a computer. Generally, a computer uses two or more conductors running in parallel to carry information in the form of electronic pulses...
Many people use a computer daily for some work. But do you know about computers? what is a computer? I bet many people didn’t know about it. So Basically, A Computer is a programmable electronic device, which is used to perform mathematically or logically operations...
a programming language is a machinery language. Programming language helps to give instructions to machine-like a computer or any other. It is also communicated to the machine easily. ..