
How to Increase Computer Speed?

It's been years since you bought your computer system, and now your computer has slowed down compared to the earlier speed. Should it or not? So believe me,  this post is only for you or for those people like you who are facing this silly problem.

we are going to learn some computer tricks that may help you to make your computer speed much faster than before. If there is internet available on your computer and you have been using the internet for a long time. Then this trick works on your computer so without wasting time. Let's start

Clearing the Window %Temp% Folders

Step 1:- Open the Run window or Press (WINDOW  + R) to open.

Step 2:- Type (%temp%) in the run window.

Step 3:- Click on the Ok button.

Step 4:- Press CTRL + A to select all the files or folder.

Step 5:- then Press the delete button or (Shift + Delete + Enter) to delete all the selected files.

Note: - Not all the files or folders may be deleted because some files or folders are used to do some work on your computer.

Delete (Prefetch) or Temp Files from Computer

Steps to delete prefetch or Temp files from the Computer.

Step 1:- Press (WINDOW + R) to open the run window

Step 2:- Type (prefetch) or (Temp) on the run window

Step 3:- Click on the OK button

Step 4:- Select all the files using CTRL + A

Step 5:- Then press the delete button or (Shift + Del + Enter) to delete permanently.

(Both Commands have the same procedure so don’t be confused about them)

So friends these are the small tricks that may help you to make your computer speed fast. If you like the trick so please share it with your friends, relatives, etc. If you have any queries on this article so let me know with your comments or DM me on my social media. I hope you liked the article we will back again with a new article.

Have a Nice Day.