What is a Computer? History of Computers.
Hey, Friends in today's era, computers or laptops are the basic components that are used normally in all the workplaces such as schools, colleges, hospitals, laboratories, companies, etc. Today, the Computer is the basic thing in our day-to-day life. Human life has become much easier with computers because you can do your work within seconds with the help of computers and the internet, such as sending an important file to someone. Just open your laptop and mail the document within seconds. So today we are going to discuss computers and their different types. And also the basic computer required for computers. So Let’s Begin…
What is a Computer?
Many people use a computer daily for some work. But do you know about computers? what is a computer? I bet many people didn’t know about it. So Basically, A Computer is a programmable electronic device, that is used to perform mathematical or logical operations. A user inputs data through any input device after that a set of instructions processes and provides the result as “Output”.
A Computer can process arithmetical as well as logical calculations. Arithmetical operations such as +,-,/,*, etc, and logical operations are a>b, a<b, a>=b, etc. These operations are processed by a set of instructions written on it.
In simple words, A computer is an electronic device that accepts data as input and processes it, and gives the result of that input as output.
History of Computer.
Who is the Father of the Computer and The first computer
Do You know that the father of computers is Charles Babbage. Because it is believed that the first computer was invented by him. Analytical Engine is considered as the first computer which is invented by Charles Babbage was first described in 1837.
From an Electronic Device to a Computer.
Now let all these aside and tell me that do you know how an electronic device gets the name computer?
The Computer term is derived from the Latin word “Computare” which means calculate.
So that is the wrap of the history of computers for today guys we will be back soon with another tutorial. Keep learning... You can also check more information about computers.