Best way to learn C programming for beginners - Usefull for other programming language as well
Starting to learn a new thing is very exciting at first, but after some time you’re bored and give up learning. So, my recommendation for all the beginners who are going to start learning something in this new year and whenever you're going is to first make a habit of learning. I didn't tell you to sit for learning exactly that time you decided or the timetable you made for learning, but whenever you feel that you don’t have any work to do, your upcoming hours are free, then start learning.
If you’re interested in learning programming languages, then C programming is a very good choice for the beginner, as the C programming language is known as the “mother of all programming languages.”.
Here are some of the best tips for learning the C programming language.
1. Watch online videos of the C programming language.
Watching videos is the best way to learn C programming. This is the fastest and easiest way of learning. in today's era, you can find any video on any topic on YouTube and other online video sources. Start learning by watching videos from scratch: introduction, variables, data types, arrays, strings, etc. There are a lot of things in C for learning.
2. Make your note from the video.
Making notes is important, as you can find your notes anytime if you want to remember anything related to that topic. Making notes on your own is the best thing, as you can only write important parts of that topic in the short and best way that you understand. There are a lot of tutorials you find for any topic, but handmade notes are the best to learn and easy to understand.
3. Start Practicing on your own. (do the same thing that has been shown in the video)
Start practicing the example shown in the video; this can help you start understanding easily. Video creator shows some easy and best examples in the video that everyone understands quickly. And when you practice and do things on your own, you learn faster than any other thing.
4. Start Creating Small Projects
When you finish the learning playlist, then start creating your small project in C, like a calculator, money converter, condition-wise scenario project, etc. This small project is very useful for learning. Apply your learning to make anything; this can make you understand the challenge you are facing while creating projects. You don't learn everything by watching, reading, or any other way. You learn when you create something.
5. Take Online References
Learn C programming online for free, take online references, and read-only C programming tutorials. Search for the problem that occurs or is stuck with you while making your project. When you’re searching for a solution to a problem, you’re facing the fact that you read some articles or some other things that are not beneficial for your problem but are beneficial for your learning. You learn extra things as well. Which can help you in future project problems.
6. Don’t Use ChatGPT and Other AI Tools
It is highly recommended that when you are learning the C language, you don’t use ChatGPT and other AI tools for your project creation journey. because these AI tools give you exact answers or better coding structures compared to your codes. If you find the problem, answer quickly, then the learning journey goes wrong because you didn’t learn anything; you just copy and paste and test your project, which is working well, and you think that you created this project, but really, did you create this? but sorry, you didn't create it; AI has. While creating a project on your own, you find many challenges of which you’re not aware, and you start reading for them. When you read or search for this problem, you learn some extra things as well. By using AI tools, you fail to learn these things.
That’s a wrap, guys. There are more points on this topic, but I didn’t want to bore you, so I have mentioned only an important topic here.
Keep creating, keep learning—that is our only motto.
You can also be learning C programming from here by our C programming as well. by clicking on this link...
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